Sunday, November 12, 2006

Sunday blues

I've been marking all day for report cards and for math in particular. It's taken me about 6 hours so far and I'm not done yet. I'm listening to the Wolf and it's pretty decent. I heard Three Days Grace play "the animal I have become" and it reminded me of some good times I had with R, and it was a nice little memory kind of made me miss her for a minute or two. I seriously don't miss living with an animal though! Since I've moved into my new place I have used my inhaler a total of 3 times...I think I'm alergic to cats, or shitty old houses I'm not quite sure.

My brother told me that when you work MWD you have no life, but I have no life now anyways so I think I would rather work a job that pays more to be honest.

Yeah sorry about the random thoughts today but that's what's been on my mind.

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