Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Legalize it!

Well you can criticize my political ideas all you want but lets look at a simple chart to see what might happen if we legalized all drugs and started up a drug licensing program like I suggested back in February.

Legalize Cocaine = a broken economy in countries like Columbia, Venezuala, Bolivia. But it would mean that the US couldn't meddle with them at their will or does it? There's oil in Venezuala isnt' there? and the abasador already said the leader should be assassinated on public television.

Legalize Heroin/Morphine = a broken economy in Afghanistan where we are fighting a war that will probably never end...

Legalize Crystal Meth = natural selection of species it's the bottom of the fucking foodchain right here. Not to mention that a government controlled lab facility would probably be alot safer than a lab moving in next door to you or into an apartment building where there could be innocent children.

Legalize Pot = Problems with grow-ops will dissapear overnight. Farmers will get another crop to plant in the spring. Reports of domestic violence will go down.

Just some things I thought people should consider.

Wednesday, June 21, 2006

The south prevails!!

Hey all I just wanted to salute the Confederacy on their victory. Yes sir Evangalistic southern conservative values have overtaken the United States and it is spewing over into Canada (just look at the federal election last Jan). 90% of the black/hispanic people in the states are living below the poverty line and are slaves to the government (or big corporations). Thousands of black voters were disinfranchized in the 2000 election so lets face it they arn't included in the democratic process so they really ARE second class citizens. Science is taking a back seat to religion and God's 'warriors' are taking over and bombing abortion clinics. To this I reply: GOD HAS A BIG ENOUGH BUDGET HE DOESN'T NEED PEOPLE TO FIGHT HIS BATTLES.
Fly on confed flag and fly true

Thursday, June 15, 2006

Back On-Line

Hey all,

I've just got internet re-connected in our new place and I have some developments to share. First My Suzuki is giong through some technical difficulties, probably is going to need a new engine. I'm torn as to what I should do with it. Buy a used engine, have the current one rebuilt, or sell the body and buy Rob's Topaz for $300. The hot tub is still leaking but not as bad so I'm going to have to re-repair what I worked on and then hopefully it'll stay fixed. it's been about a month now since I've been able to use it and I'm damn frustrated with that.

That's all for now.

Thursday, June 01, 2006

For Saskboy:

Echo's or the new Toyota Yaris are phemonenal on fuel. If you are looking for great gas mileage you won't be disappointed. It's about 51MPG. July 22 is our special event day at Cannington Manor so I will have to work but it would be nice to meet all the bloggers from Sask.

More Tales from Cannington Manor

So these past few days have seen me working with school programs which so far have been all day programs. 9:30-3:30 They start with Criket, then peel and cut vegetables for Cannington stew. Then they have lunch, go on a tour of the village, eat their stew and leave. One of the real challenges is keeping the kids busy so I tend to knock down the wood pile and blame it on the raccoons. Speaking of which I saw one on the road today running along the grid. I've certainly been brought closer to wildlife lately, as well as, farming life. Yesterday I got to help heard cattle for the Cudlows. They were moving the herd down the grid by Cannington when I was leaving for the day so their truck was on one side of the road and my Swift was on the other and they had quads in the ditch pushing them along. It was a mess of mooing, and horn honking but I had nowhere in particular to be so I didn't mind giving them a hand.

Yes I have started driving my Swift to work now after some serious thought. Rhonda's car is good on gas but it's just too light, it's tires are too small, and it's gear ratio's are too far apart. My Swift however is nearly perfect for these roads and lets face it, with a few mods it could be a rally car, which is something an Echo doesn't have a chance at being because it's too high off the ground.

More news: R's buying a house. It's far bigger than this one and doesn't leak. The house we're in sucks soooooooooo bad. For those of you who came down at May long you already know there's not enough room to keep anyone over or entertain in the living room. The roof leaks when it rains and the roof is metal so it's impossible to fix. The floor in the bathroom is rotten and the floor joyces were cut too small and the whole floor is slowly sinking. There arn't any screens on the windows. There's no fence or privacy in the back yard not great for hot tubbing or playing Croquet. Our landlord isn't happy we're leaving he even offered to sell us this house for $20Gs but i wouldn't pay more than $17G for it. The neighbourhood is sketchy too (well for Carlyle anyways). Our neighbours lawn is knee high and they have a dog tied up in the back yard that doesn't go anywhere, and we never see them because they never open curtains even during the day (I know who they are thought). Their front yard is littered with old appliances and BBQs and some are overgrown with vegetation.

So yeah we're moving up in the world and I like Crikket