Tuesday, November 29, 2005

You never touch the bartender!

Wow everyone (for those who actually read my blog) must be getting sick of my negativity. To you I appologize. Tonight was an other LOVELY night at the INN, another fight broke out this time between a fe-male patron and a male. This chick was absolutly crazy...nothing would calm her down. She was flinging pool cues, climbing over table to attack a guy. I'll say this now. I'll fight a man ANY DAY over a woman. They are vicious. This chick couldn't be controlled. Hell even after Weyburn's finest showed up, she was still on the war path. You'd think hearing the words: "The police are on the way, if you don't leave you will be arrested" would maybe make people think..."gee I should leave" but no...it never ceases to amaze me...anyways long story short the cops pull these chicks out of the bar. I guess one of them charged a cop outside as well. Anyways...just getting awfully sick of this bloody job. $7.05 an hour isn't enough to be dealing with this crap. Oh well it's off to school soon enough and I can leave the glitz and glamour of the bar behind.

In other news, I'm starting to be able to relate to Marvin from The Hitch Hiker's guide to the Galaxy...

I'm hard pressed to find something good that's happenned lately besides seeing my gf a fair amount in the past few days.


Pilot said...

Well good to know I'm not the only maically-depressed robot in this wild world.

Soulfood said...

Bitch, bitch, bitch. That's all you Inn employees do.

Go read some Marx and have a people's revolt against your employer.