Thursday, November 10, 2005

Back to the bar...

So tonight I started back at the bar.

What a shitty night, I belive this was a test of character or something because possibly everything that could go wrong, happenned, including running out of cash for the VLT, and having to empty machines to pay out customers. A shitty thing to have to do at 11pm and all your staff rushed to be done so they could sit and drink for 3.5 hours. A bar full of assholes, and I had to forcibly remove one at about 3 this morning. The guy left me little choice, he started to wreck the bar so...he left unwillingly. I will give credit to D the front desk guy who opened the door for me so I could toss the jerk outside (and he landed pretty hard too).

So why does George Bush Suck in this case. The war on drugs of course. Let's face it everything else is illegal except for booze...which makes people stupid, and agries up the blood. I'll bet you wouldn't have that many problems with someone jacked up on heroin or weed. Could you imagine a pot you think the cops would ever be called to a 'Cannabar' (if it was legal) .
Maybe if someone didn't pay a tab...or someone was robbing you. So the only legal drug in the U.S. has the potential to make you violent, towards yourself or others, toss in the fact that anyone can own and AK-47, and you have one retarded country. Booze in the states isn't like here. You can buy alcohol ANYWHERE in the states, 7-11 for instance can get you bombed anytime of the day 365 days a year. You can buy all the live ammo you want from a 24 hour Wal-Mart. SO yeah that's a pretty fucked-up volitile situation. Especially when you also throw in extreme poverty, fast-paced living, and crowded cities. Fuck they should be handing out sedatives and pushing for people to smoke weed...but I guess, the earlier statements are sort of an unemployment solution. Keep the people at war with themselves.

Anyways, enough anger fueled rants for this morning I have shit to do tomorrow like go to the doctor.


1 comment:

Pilot said...


You should mame a blog, only it's like a bar. There's the concept. Run with it.