Friday, April 07, 2006

A Sad Farewell...

Ok so tonight I said good-bye to a one of a kind unique prof. Helen Christieansen, who taught me ELNG 326 (Teaching as a second language) , taught her very last class that she's ever going to teach tonight, she is retireing. I can say that I truely felt 'taught' by her. She started univeristy in 1959 and never really stopped. So she gave us some nice words of encouragement and we said our good-byes. Any ways I ran into Katie, W. tonight and wow it was so crazy talking to someone about the good ol' days of living in Weyburn. The conversations really made me think back to when I was 5 years old and hanging around Souris Valley with my dad. Back then they used to produce their own electircity (until 1993). I remember how many cars were around the power house, and the steam pouring out of the stacks...the grounds were beautifully groundscaped. We just stopped to drop my grandfather off lunch. It was also part of history...Anyways...I'm sleeping in tomorrow because I deserve it!!! Rhond, don't know if you'll read this or not but Goddamn I miss you lots!! can't wait to see you again!!!

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