Friday, April 06, 2007

How often do you just go out on a limb?

That is the question I pose of my gentle readers. Tonight I was bored, been in all week and I just want to go to the bar and have some drinks. However, my regular drinking team which involves a pair of truckers has to work in the morning. So I gave a chance and I ended up going for a beer with Kristy G. at the KG. Her and her friends...while somewhat attractive...could not keep my attention. The KG wasn't keeping their attention so they dragged me to the Royal. Of course one must remember a flock of girls can't ever go to the bathroom alone. I ended up being ditched several times by them for this on-going migration and I got bored and wandered off. I ended up running into people who I more or less knew of...but beyond names and the occasional meeting don't know from a hole in the ground. However 2 of them are people who picked up me and Jeremy way back in the fall (I believe I may have blogged about it a few months back).

Anyways, the little group of us gathered in the only room you can have a conversation without screaming at the person next to you. There I ran into L. Cole and a pile of other people I knew but didn't and Laila's friends were there too. It was certainly odd but it was fine I didn't mind the company because they weren't boring. We had an ice fight, that was on-going and well it was just plain fun. Left a hell of a mess but meh. I decided I had to stay sober for this trip.

"No, booze would be a bad thing tonight", my mind was telling me.

I did head outside after the ice fight for a small 420 session. While outside this really, drunk guy (who was passing out in the bar was hilarious...people taking pictures and shit with him...). He had a bit of a slurish accent and he could barely stand or talk for that matter. He just leaned on a truck staring at the ground and a little trail of puke that rolled under someone's Chevy. Myself and another guy tried to get some information out of him but to little avail. He was some kind of screwed up, but when asked what drugs he was on he kept saying they weren't his thing. Surely an out-of towner. He wore a wool cap with ear flaps and buttons all over it and Kaki's that a few splatters on them (maybe something he stepped in HAHA).

After the cigs were all out and our poor attempt at interrogation (next time I'm the bad cop) we went back into the frenzy. The bar was packed before, but now it was Paaaaaaaaacked! Literally sliding room only. I was trying to get by some people and I ended up half falling and then flopping into an empty and sitting across from me when I looked up is my brother with a dumbfounded face.

"what are you doing here?" he asked.

"I....really don't know...." I honestly couldn't think of a good reason to be there.
We chatted a bit, he tried to sick a cougar on me but I already know just to play dead and they leave you alone. It was at that point I just knew I needed to get out of there it was too much. Too many people for me if was after all Thursday night and the next day is good Friday.

I ran into the 2 gals that had picked me and Jeremy up earlier in the year. They wanted to go to a party and invited me along and I decided it couldn't be any worse than this. I was pleasantly surprised it was! The 'party' was at Touque's who I know from just living in Weyburn all my life but again I have never been formally introduced. It was a good meeting I like the guy. He showed me lots of fishing trip pictures from up north, which reminded me that the canoe trip is coming up (woo-hoo). We were there for a while, and this nice blond girl was obviously taking a shine to me and she suggested we all go for a drink. By the time we drop her friend and her guy off at their place, last call has already been given. So she turns around and heads back to her car. Leaving me and Toque staring at each other...knowing that the other is thinking of pursuing the girl. I wanted to go...he even offered her to me. I don't know why I turned her down, I was sober, that might have made a difference. Something inside of me said I could do better. That might make me arrogant but meh. Not only that but I also felt like sleeping alone.

So I walked to my car right outside the KG and went home. Then I decided to blog about it. Sorry if it's been a long boring post but inspiration strikes when we least expect it. It certainly will be memorable.


1 comment:

Unknown said...

I thought I saw your car outside the KG. I was gonna right a note on it, or draw an obscure picture on it but i never did.