Thursday, October 13, 2005

Interning a no go...

Well that's all health has been crappy since the last week of August, and it hasn't improved. My advisor suggested yesterday that it's time to pull the plug and do the internship at a later date.

For those of you I talked to yesterday about this, the situation seemed worse. I found out some options today.

Option 1: deffer my internship until May-June and work on it then.
Option 2: get re-imbursed and re-start it next fall.
Option 3: Take a week off and hope my health improves while doing some serious planning and return to finish the rest of it this fall (I'm guessing it'll be a prep for the 3-week block).
Option 4: Muddle my way through what I'm doing now.
Option 5: Quit Education and start a new career as a championship weinerdog-sled racer.

I'm leaning towards the first 2. I guess I find that out today which way I go but until them I'm in Employment limbo...halfway between work or school but really somewhere in the middle of nowhere. Meh, it could be worse...I coud have migraines, or no fingers.

It looks like I'll be going back to the Doctor to be poked and prodded, as well as, my Witch Doctor (who incedentally diagnosed me with Mono about 2 weeks before a Physician did).
Homeopathic Doctors might not be for everyone but they worked for me.

In other news I'll be heading to Regina Friday to square some things away with the university and possibly to bowling with the greatest gal in the world (R you rock!!!).

I'm also thinking about going back to the INN for work. Bartending....sigh...if ONLY I could make a career out of that. It's not just a job, but I thoroughly enjoy it.
Speaking of which I ended up being the one on the other side of the bar bearing my soul to the bartender yesterday. You'd be surprized how often people actually do that. I think it should be law that bartenders must posess a Social Work degree or something, although I find waving a gun around could accoplish the same job LOL.

1 comment:

Pilot said...

I did that bearing my problems to the bartender once... infact you were that bartender. You can get through this Jeff, just beleive in yourself.

And other supportive stuff.