Thursday, October 06, 2005

Back in the Saddle!

Ok I havn't been keeping good track of this blog and it's about time I started. There are certain things that need to be said.

So a little about me...well I'm almost 25 years of age. I'm currently interning to become a teacher. I'm working in a grade 5 class and they are some of the best children I have ever worked with!

I believe in Social Justice, and protecting what we all depend on for life...the environment.
Everyone should have the right to be free of crippling debt, soaring gas prices and unreasonable search ans seizure.

I imagine this makes me sound like a commie or socialist. Fair enough but I also beleive that capitalism can work but there needs to be more ETHICAL buisness practice. Resonsible buisness should be practiced and there should be strict government standards which should be followed. We need to get away from the money grabbing and spending spree that the "American Dream" pushes. "Grab that cash with both hands and make a stash" this lyric from "Money" by Pink Floyd speaks to me about the attitude that has been shaping the North American culture. Make as much money as you can and screw everyone else...a culture of selfishness...well maybe you donate a few hundred to a charity once in awhile.

Well my first blog back and I've already done a rant. It's all relevant though....who has been shaping our culture...people who want you to spend money! Who's at the top George Dubya Bush and his Dick, Cheney.

We're up against a lot but I'm not giving up. My next post will have some other things you can do to fix this mess.

I also believe that religion and politics have no place together.

1 comment:

Pilot said...

Go Jeff!!!! Way to hear you're back on the wagon!