Saturday, May 05, 2007


So I've made some decisions in the past few weeks and I've had some tough calls to make even in the last few days.

First of all....I'm not going overseas. I'm not ready yet and I don't have my affairs in order so it's not going to happen. This means I'll be staying in the burn for some time and subbing most likely. But I'm cool with that so it's no big deal.

I thought I was going to be buying a new vehicle right quick but I've decided not to. The payments I could probably make, but the support costs (plates, and gas per month) are almost as much as the payments themselves so I will be holding onto my Black Beauty for another year most likely while I pay down some loans. I'm a bit disappointed because I really would like something new but oh well I still have like 4 years to take advantage of my grad bonus.

I've been subbing an awful lot lately. There is a demand for subs, especially in the rural areas, which will probably be my bread and butter next year.

That's all for now


Unknown said...

I think I just dodged a bullet there. Kristie was pondering on making me her new Jeff if you left. Thanks for staying buddy.

Unknown said...

So Jeffy... how's the old Swift treating you?

Anonymous said...

[3] In the course of the analysis it occurred to her that on the evening before, the conversation of the company had turned upon the English word box, and upon the numerous translations of it into German, such as box, theater box, chest, box on the ear, &c.. A modified stair-dream.. He would not mind it in the least, said he.. Golden harvests glistened out of sight, and I caught their rustling whisper of prosperity.. In the hospital here I had for years the honor to serve under a chief who, long fossilized, was for decades notoriously feebleminded , and was yet permitted to continue in his responsible office.. Whenever I am greatly interested, I am compelled to take them out and see what it is that I admire.. Here was an ally worthy of the cause.. As things stand, the saddest state prison I ever visit is that Representatives' Chamber in Washington.. There are, therefore, two exits for the individual unconscious emotional process.. But Titbottom had resumed his usual tone, after the momentary excitement, and made no further allusion to himself.. I was not frightened because I dreamed that my mother was dying, but I interpreted the dream in this manner in the foreconscious elaboration because I was already under the domination of the anxiety.. Farmin' somehow don't suit my talons.. I have now to atone for the fact that I have been unable in my description of the dream psychology to follow the historic development of my views.. After Uncle Billy had won the only jack-pot deserving of the name, he was allowed to go blissfully to sleep with his hand on the handle of the big jug.. It is not the dream that produces the phantasy but the unconscious phantasy that takes the greatest part in the formation of the dream thoughts.. Gallant Eve that she is! She joined Dennis at the library door, and in an instant presented him to Dr.. On the repetition of this same experience we were forced to the supposition that there is an intimate bond, with laws of its own, between the unintelligible and complicated nature of the dream and the difficulties attending communication of the thoughts connected with the dream.. But he did not find himself a rich man; and the football has never come in his way again.. Ingham, her new dumb laundress, myself, who am Mr.. Her blue eyes turned upon me with a sweet deprecation...