Wednesday, June 21, 2006

The south prevails!!

Hey all I just wanted to salute the Confederacy on their victory. Yes sir Evangalistic southern conservative values have overtaken the United States and it is spewing over into Canada (just look at the federal election last Jan). 90% of the black/hispanic people in the states are living below the poverty line and are slaves to the government (or big corporations). Thousands of black voters were disinfranchized in the 2000 election so lets face it they arn't included in the democratic process so they really ARE second class citizens. Science is taking a back seat to religion and God's 'warriors' are taking over and bombing abortion clinics. To this I reply: GOD HAS A BIG ENOUGH BUDGET HE DOESN'T NEED PEOPLE TO FIGHT HIS BATTLES.
Fly on confed flag and fly true

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Box 382 Carlyle!