Wednesday, March 22, 2006

Night and day

I know I wrote a harsh post yesterday but it was mostly for therapy.

The story I leave out is all the fun we had on Saturday and Sunday!!
I went over to her place in the afternoon, before she had her meeting, and we patched things up.
I really missed the REAL Rhonda and wanted to see her. We made some plans to get together after her meeting. I went home and did homework until she called. Steve, Matt, and Kim showed up as well. Sunday was good times, we got up and went for breakfast, and candy (mmmm...banana icecream!) and I stupidly forgot my wallet so Rhonda had to be my sugar momma! We also went shopping at london drugs and chatted a bit about why we should get married (for all the wrong reasons LOL).

But eventually Rhonda had to go back to her hellish job in Carlyle and I said my sad good-byes
Chances are I won't see her for a few weeks (damn school).

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